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seminal vesicle中文是什么意思

用"seminal vesicle"造句"seminal vesicle"怎么读"seminal vesicle" in a sentence"seminal vesicle"的同义词


  • 储精囊
  • 精囊腺
  • 输精管
  • 贮精囊


  • The testis sacs communicate with the seminal vesicles .
  • Comparison of transrectal and transperineal punctures of seminal vesicles under the guidance of transrectal ultrasound
  • Introduction bovine seminal plasma protein family secreted by the seminal vesicles . bovine seminal plasma is the major component of bovine seminal plasma
    目的牛精浆( bovineseminalplasma )作为精子的载体,是牛睾丸、附睾及附性腺分泌的一种复合物。
  • Additional , trichomonad can cause prostatitis and seminal vesicle phlogistic , the patient can have the pudenda and feeling of anal deep feeling of grief , low heat , show such as dysuria
  • The testes of pseudobagurs fulvidraco ( richardson ) can be divided into two parts . the anterior part is spermatogenic part where spermatogenesis proceed . the posterior part of it is the seminal vesicle , which can store sperms and produce large amount of fluid during spawning season . at the end of april , the spermatogenic part of the testes , which is at stage , begin the initiation of spermatogenesis . in may , the spermatogenic part of the testes , which is at stage , starts active spermatogenesis . from june to novermber , the spermatogenic part is at stage , and spermatogenesis is actively proceeding . from december to the beginning of next april , the spermatogenic part is at stage . the wall of the lobulus is made up of cystes of spermatogonia throughout the whole winter time
    黄颡鱼的精巢从外形上分为上、下两段.上段为生精部,下段为贮精囊.性成熟黄颡鱼精巢的生精部为小叶型结构,其周年变化经历如下过程:期?期?期?期?期. 4月下旬开始生精活动的启动.生殖季节为5 7月, 5月生精部处于期. 6 7月生精部处于期,产生大量精子. 8 11月虽非生殖季节,生精部仍进行生精活动. 12月至翌年4月,生精部处于期,并以期精巢过冬.贮精囊在生殖季节分泌活动旺盛,产生大量分泌物
用"seminal vesicle"造句  


  • either of a pair of glands located on either side of the male urinary bladder that open into the vas deferens and that secrete many components of semen during ejaculation


The seminal vesicles (glandulae vesiculosae) or vesicular glands are a pair of simple tubular glands posteroinferior to the urinary bladder of male mammals. It is located within the pelvis.
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